- New Location - This blog has moved! We are no longer on a blogspot domain. Our new domain name is www.DebtFreeScholar.com. The old blog will still be around for a while, but all new articles will be posted on the new site.
- New Name - As a part of our move, we have changed our name! Because someone else already has registered the domain name www.DebtFreeCollege.com, we had to choose a new name. After a lot of consideration and discussion, we decided to choose the name "Debt-free Scholar". Almost the same as our old name, Debt-free College", the only difference is in the last word.
- New Backround - We have also transfered from the Blogger platform to the Wordpress platform. The new blog has a new (and in my opinion better) backround. I look forward to hearing what you think about it.
- New Pages - We have also added an About page and a Contact/Connect page. Hopefully these new pages will make Debt-free Scholar more enjoyable for you, my loyal readers.
- Other Changes - I have also made numerous other small changes that I felt would make this blog more user-friendly. For example, I have now opened the comments sections on posts. Please feel free to explore the new site.
What Do You Think?
Please visit the new site and tell me in the comments what you think about all these changes.